Let’s Write a Book A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step –Lao-tzu, Chinese philosopher I’m asking you to hold me accountable for a thousand-mile journey. It’s a big ask, I know. But I work better when others are watching, especially when I’ve clued them in on the goal. Maybe it’s the old TV reporter in me. Maybe it’s the human in me. We’re more likely to complete a task when other people - our co-workers, clients, friends or neighbors, are aware, or better yet, reliant, on the fact we’ll do our job. My job in New Zealand, besides shuttling the kids to and from school, organizing extracurricular activities, food shopping, cooking, cleaning, washing (the household stuff), making and keeping friends, attending church, running, occasional volunteer work (creating community stuff), is to write something Fiona and Finley (when they’re older) and maybe you or a friend can read to understand what our family experienced during Sean’s four-a-and-half month illness, and the pa...
When you look like your passport photo, it's time to go home. - Erma Bombeck