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Showing posts from January, 2013

January 23- Gift of a Thousand Days

January 23 rd Yes, I know what today is. Or, in five minutes, was. The day Sean died. Three years have passed. That’s 1,095 days. It's easy to lose track. Days breed like sneaky rabbits until your basket of bunnies becomes a warren worthy of Watership Down. I don’t mark the anniversary of Sean’s death the way I used to. I'd light a candle or drink a Guinness (Sean’s favorite beer) the first several months after it happened. It was a way to remember the day dividing our lives into ‘before’ and ‘after’ and a way , I thought, to honor his memory. Those thousand days have changed us. We have a new perimeter circumscribing Before and Now: it consists of our world trip, our anything-but-free introductory period to New Zealand, our return to the States and Kiwi Adventure, Take Two.   It’s like we’re in the calculus class I never took (and surely would’ve failed, having never attempted trigonometry) in high school – had I opted in, I might have learned what Archim